Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week 10 Finals

This is the final week of our course, time to draw the line. My favorite topics were ABCD objectives and the power point activity. Surfing through websites with lesson plans and online resources was very useful, I specifically liked the resources posted at Week 10 - by Larri Ferlazzo. I copied most of them into my "Resources" file and am considering now how I can implement them in my teaching. Looking back, I find it very practical that we started planning our projects in advance. If everything had to be done in 1-2 weeks, it would be so stressful and not quite manageable. Webinair was the course climax for me - very new experience and such an interesting talk.

The course was very intensive and required a lot of skills in managing time, multitasking, organizing myself and dealing with the workload effectively. Music helped me to overcome all the obstacles, to keep optimistic and learning oriented. This song by Louis Armstrong is specially for you! What a wonderful world!

Thank you, Robert, for the course!

Kindest regards,